Reed Assessment - CCTV Case Study

09 February 2023

Reed Assessment was looking for a security partner to
collaborate with on a Nationwide Tender for a CCTV solution. The tender
requirement was to cover three regions across both the UK and Ireland Reed was
successfully awarded two regions.
Turning to security specialists TouchStar ATC, Reed was
looking for a CCTV system that would fulfil the specific tender requirements.
Based on shared discussions and a joint understanding of the project, TouchStar
specified, developed, and tested both fixed and mobile camera solutions. A
bespoke tripod camera solution was specified to fulfil the requirement for a
mobile “popup” solution. With both solutions fitting the nature of the brief,
Reed was successful in their tender response and were awarded two regions.
The Head
of IT and Security for Reed Assessment comments, “The sensitive and
confidential nature of the project we were tendering for meant that we were
only able to provide limited information to TouchStar as part of our briefing
process. We were really impressed with their vision and development of the
proposed solution which no doubt helped us secure a successful tender outcome”.
Following the successful submission, Reed was looking to
roll out the approved CCTV solution at 135 locations across the UK. The
solution, comprising of over 1000 fixed and mobile CCTV cameras in total,
needed to be fully installed over a period of 6 months.
TouchStar ATC provided a complete end to end solution for
the project, an effective plan which covered the design, quoting, procurement,
delivery, installation, commissioning, support, and preventative maintenance
which was key in supporting the scale of a project this size.
With the project being undertaken at the height of COVID,
worldwide challenges and Brexit impacted the availability of components
throughout the installation phase. Fluidity of the project meant that there
were lots of short notice changes to the project plan which did throw up
several challenges. The Head
of IT and Security continues, “As with most large-scale
installations, plans change frequently throughout implementation. TouchStar
provided exceptional support to us through this phase, any delays or challenges
were overcome because of their positive can-do attitude”.
Results and Benefits
With TouchStar engineers on hand to test, commission and
provide training, the system was deployed within the required timescales. The
flexibility of the support offered by TouchStar meant that some installations
were completed within very short timescales and all installations were
completed within the advertised lead time. The successful roll out meant that
TouchStar met the strict criteria for achieving the NSI Gold Accreditation with
a recent audit of the installation see TouchStar ATC awarded two grade A’s for
their installations.
With the system fully up and running, Reed can securely manage
the CCTV both locally and remotely. Data is available instantaneously enabling
the business to manage their individual site locations efficiently, reducing security
incidents and maximising confidence.
Offering seamless operation of the final solution, Reed Assessment
have access to TouchStar’s UK based, dedicated support team. With the
availability of same day/onsite support and return to base/next working day
delivery, all sites are managed effectively with minimal downtime.
Assessment’s statement concludes, “As Head of IT and Security for a
National organisation, I fully recommend TouchStar to any organisation looking
for reliability and the highest professional standards. TouchStar have
delivered and continues to service and support CCTV assets across each of our
135 locations. The entire team from MD to operational lead, to engineers, all
are highly efficient, flexible, and extremely supportive. TouchStar is
commended for their dedicated, flexible support to my organisation, and they
continue to provide an exceptionally high standard of service throughout our
maintenance and service programme”.
The Future
With the system now fully operational, it offers the
scalability to add more cameras and locations should the need arise.
TouchStar’s systems also continue to evolve, with further
growth and development of both the hardware and the portfolio of solutions.
This will ensure that Reed will continue to invest in a solution that will meet
their needs both now and into the future.